The COM CONTROLLER controls and secures the communication to the OCTO PLUGS and thus serves as a central message center for the communication between the central OCTO MESH platform and the connected devices.
With the COM CONTROLLER you can reliably and securely connect millions of devices and backend solutions such as databases, dashboards and OCTO APPS.
Thanks to the extremely flexible customizability of OCTO PLUGS, almost any device or system can be connected to the COM CONTROLLER. All communication is subject to strong encryption to ensure the highest possible transmission security.
The COM CONTROLLER allows you to perform the following tasks:
- Sending and receiving data from IoT devices via a security-optimized communication channel.
- Authenticate and manage IoT devices with individual identities and credentials.
- Automate device registration and provisioning without manual intervention.
- Monitoring and maintenance of the local Octo Plug components
- Extend your data network by simply transferring OCTO PLUGS and services from the central OCTO MESH instance (cloud, on-premise) to the edge devices.
With the COM CONTROLLER, you can therefore develop, deploy and scale your IoT application more easily by centralizing the communication and management of your devices in OCTO MESH.